Search for International Standards for Impaired Driving Enforcement Program

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Elevate Blue

Elevate Blue is a best-in-class virtual training that was designed to address the contemporary challenges faced by law enforcement agencies.


Nonprofit Risk Management Center 202 785 3891 www nonprofitrisk org 1 State Liability Laws for Charitable Organizations and Volunteers 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 410 Washington DC 20036 202 785 3891 www nonprofitris...

Sac county mrc policy and procedure manual.pdf

Sponsored by SHERIFF JOHN MCGINNESS Sacramento County Sheriff s Department Policy and Procedure Manual Assembled and edited by Lt Paul Tassone Bureau Commander Sacramento County Sheriff s Vo...

Global Police Response to COVID-19

The emergence of COVID-19 is impacting communities across the globe. Law enforcement leaders worldwide are encountering unprecedented challenges, and, in response, must take unprecedented actions to keep...


Inside XXXXXXXXXX THE PROFESSIONAL VOICE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT FEBRUARY 2009 Inside Police Week 2010 Citizen Complaint Resolution Prison Rape Elimination Act Policing Muslim Communities 2010 Buyers Guide...

February 2019 - Police Chief Magazine

Violence against police is a complex matter that demands attention in order to ensure law enforcement professionals are able to fulfill their responsibilities while preserving their lives and the lives...


Employee and Family WELLNESS GUIDE I N T E R N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F C H I E F S O F P O L I C E 1SUPPORTING OFFICER SAFETY THROUGH FAMILY WELLNESS 2 Letter from Leadership 3 Local Resources 4 Helping Your Young Child Understand Your...

Bw_revised employee family guide.pdf

Employee and Family WELLNESS GUIDE I N T E R N AT I O N A L A S S O C I AT I O N O F C H I E F S O F P O L I C E SUPPORTING OFFICER SAFETY THROUGH FAMILY WELLNESS 1 2 Letter from Leadership 3 Local Resources 4 Helping Your Young Child Understand You...

Police Vehicle Warning Signals—An Innovative Approach to Officer Safety - Police Chief Magazine

A patrol car in this community generally responds to two or three emergency (“hot”) calls per shift. Multiplying these figures gives RHPD the approximate idea of how much time each officer spends passing through intersections during each shift. In this case, it is roughly 1 minute, and 15 seconds per shift—in other words, during two-tenths of one percent of the shift a patrol car is within this danger zone.

IACP - Loader Animation IACP - Loader Animation IACP - Loader Animation